CoWorkation In Italy @ Digital Transformation in Civitanova Marche
Yay ;-) I've presented this business project at Digital Transformation event in Civitanova Marche (MC). Here the slides. Give me a feedback. Thanks Adriano
Serious Game @ Ancona Language Exchange
Serious Game - Ancona Language Exchange Tuesday 31st January 2017 - 9 PM @ Informagiovani AN - Piazza Roma (underground) - Ancona Solving complex problems is the main outcome of this format, improving English conversation
The Power of Serious Game using Rory’s Story Cubes
Thanks Cocoon for this chit-chat about The Power of Serious Game using Rory's Story Cubes, i'm writing down here my opinion explained in the video-interview ;-) 1) Presentation of participants. How do you use the
Big Changes Ahead
Thanks Felicia @ DNX for this amazing article ;-) Happiness is something we can choose! We only started to understand the power of our thoughts: if we create positive thoughts and feelings, our mind automatically
Funny Meetup @ Macerata Language Exchange
MaLE Meeting - Special Event | Macerata Language Exchange FUNNY MEETUP Thursday 21st July 2016 07.00 PM @ Casablanca Dream Pool (east side corner on the garden) | Strada Comunale Villa Conti, 71 - 62012
Quantum Leap
Here we are in a quantum jump. I dream a business world in witch my services are not necessary, the companys have understand and take care by theirself. If in the future I had to
Training is nothing, will is everything
Free As Freelance: right ? You get to use what you’ve been building all these years: your education, skills, experience, all the years you’ve put in the corporate career. In many cases, there is no
the remote working revolution
Ask yourself a question. If you didn’t have to go to work today, get dressed in that uncomfortable office attire, fight the traffic or go through a hectic same day-to-day commute, to sit at your
Lesson Learned On My Skin
I wanted to teach myself things i would never learn in textbooks. I wanted to teach myself things I would never learn in the suburbs. To explore freedom, to live with nature and to understand
Measuring Comfort Zones
If you want to push your comfort zone’s boundaries but you’re not sure where to start, there’s actually a tool online to measure your comfort zone. A short questionnaire about your comfort levels in professional,
Say Yes to Your Adventure
"Entrepreneurship is not about acquisitions or raising million dollars; It is about thrill, unpredictability, living with constraints, pushing yourself to a new high, being innovative and trusting your own gut over stats. I crave for
We Need This New Generation
The story about an open-mind little boy who come from Generation Z He thinks and operates in another language, and has had to overcome the hurdle of not only knowing but learning the language, and
Maker Is Hight: Think Global, Act Local
Average Is Over, this is my opinion. Everything standard is outdated, each worker will no longer be in the average, in order to be competitive they should commit themselves to give more in everything they
How to Build a Great Company: Step by Step
An “innovation engine” is an organization’s capability to think and invest in long-term opportunities along with the competence to drive continuous innovations for top-line growth each year. To build your innovation engine, your firm must
Boss Vs Employee: No More
The best employees will just figure out what needs to be done and go ahead and do it. If you were hired in an early stage team you’re supposed to be smart and be able
Life begins at the end of your Comfort Zone
In this recession we are able to learn the truth, we can't assume something we override with imprudence: we can't improve the welfare of today sacrificing the future, increasing the cost to mantain the rising
Mentorship is my Challenge
Trying to explain how to be a better Mentor: it's my challange and I'm galvanized ;-) Mentoring is hard Mentoring is also a more significant part of the economy today than since, perhaps, apprentorship in the
Lean Portfolio Management
I want a Portfolio who makes me grow, focused about my career and my customers. Only one qualitative metric is over the top in my Kanban Board every working day: satisfaction. Based on the best
Google Reader: no more
So sad, about Google Reader closing decision by Google, I'm a trusted user of this feed reader. Google tell us that its usage is decreasing, but I think that Google can explain us where Early Adopters are
Agile Marketing
Agile Marketing is a great topic for me, I will write soon about it, for the moment think about this storytelling oriented presentation ;-) Bye Adriano
Change Is The Only Costant
Here we are, up & running, making something great. Today merges into, it becomes english too ;-) Bye Adriano P.S.: let me know if find any bugs or text mistakes, Beta version here
The Future Is Ours
We need to take care about our professional life, 'cause changing is in the air. Rules are changing but nobody learnt it to Generation Y italian guys: today in Italy, be a good student at