The Future Is Ours

The Future Is Ours

We need to take care about our professional life, ’cause changing is in the air. Rules are changing but nobody learnt it to Generation Y italian guys: today in Italy, be a good student at school isn’t enoght to find a job. Youth need to use their hands and head, trying to figure out what the like to do with passion. Learn to build something useful or create a product that solves a person problem and they will have more work than they can ever manage. Learning doesn’t mean to spend many years studying the theory without worrying about their first job. It shouldn’t be their graduation to decide what job they do, but the job they want to do need to suggest what they should study.

Distinguish the “school” from “work” no longer makes sense. The world of work they have to drive to acquire new knowledge, learn to be ongoing, dynamic and diverse. The speed with which the world is evolving has now made obsolete the traditional route study-career: in order to survive they need to enter the world of work during school and continue to study when they enter into the world of work. Yet the traditional model is still the one followed by all young people. A manual based on a version of the world in which our grandparents and our parents grew up. A world where they went to school, they graduated and worked for 30 years for the same company and then retire and enjoy old age. That world no longer exists. Now we are at new version and the manual needed to survive can not write our parents, must write the new generations.

Deciding with they head and ignored the advice of their parents and they grandparents, it’s the right way. Who has more than 50 years can’t understand this world, when Baby Boomers Generation made ​​their choices in life, to become a doctor, lawyer or professor was seen as a guarantee for a prosperous life. Now it is no longer the case. In the past who was the entrepreneur did by choice, now being an entrepreneur is a necessity. Every young person is an entrepreneur of himself in one way or another. Plan and build their career is a must.

Good Luck, Mate 😉

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