“when night becomes the day, they’re sending you far away, so so far away” – Reload
Yep, the big picture is in front of me, so freelancing is my new way. Digital Strategist helping Corporate & Mentor helping Startup: Training both.
For several years I have been working with the concept of Agile Marketing in the strategy (training and consultancy) department, concretely helping entrepreneurs to realize their dreams to develop a new product/service that discovers an unvoiced need of an unexplored niche of consumers or in some cases to re-start a company that no longer has a sustainable business model.
I am a “business & learning process facilitator“ where my main goal is to link the operational projects with the strategic objectives. What makes my work unique is the method, new business tools used and a deep understanding of the Digital & Startup industry.
I’m reloading my professional life, serendipity in the business could be next testing approach. Taking care to the spontaneous business opportunities, straight out of my comfort zone. Selecting new markets, new prospects and new business partners, building solid business relationships with them. My job is to make my customers dreams true, in order to do so I have to be the fist one dreaming and I’m ready to daydream once again.
I feel like a citizen of the world: Silicon Allee in Berlin 2012 and Silicon Wadi in Tel Aviv 2013 allowed me to learn a lot of new things. The more you travel the more you learn, staying always in the same place means not developing new opportunities and new capacities, my goal is to create new businesses whicht can give me the opportunity to leave abroad the most possible.
Drop me a line, if you want to work with me 😉