Say Yes to Your Adventure
Say Yes to Your Adventure
“Entrepreneurship is not about acquisitions or raising million dollars; It is about thrill, unpredictability, living with constraints, pushing yourself to a new high, being innovative and trusting your own gut over stats. I crave for this and I love every single moment of it. That is why I chose entrepreneurship.
Life is an empty slate and you are free to do anything you want. You want to change the world? go ahead and do it but first ask yourself — do you really like disruptions in your own life? or is it because you read an autobiography.
When you do things which you love only then you will enjoy life to it’s fullest and with no regrets. You will discover things about yourself which you never imagined. Otherwise you will die in a boredom waiting for ‘that’ blissful weekend.”
Thanks Nihar
Read more at How My Perception About Entrepreneurship Changed After Visiting The Himalayas a journey which brought clarity to my thoughts